Muscat: The Royal Oman Police confirmed that it has paid great attention to the drug problem through crime prevention operations, crime control operations, and drug suspects.
The Royal Oman Police, in its various formations, is making great efforts in combating drug and psychotropic substances crimes.
Police sources revealed that one of the most prominent smuggling seizures that were seized recently was the seizure of an amount of "Captagon" (1,800.00) hidden between window panes, and another amount estimated at (197,000) hidden in plastic dishes.
The prevention of drug and psychotropic substances crimes is represented in qualifying and qualitative training for policemen in general and control men in particular, in line with the development of drug crimes, providing technical equipment for inspection at land, sea and air border crossings, and exchanging information with counterpart agencies in other countries about smuggling and trafficking networks. Narcotics and psychotropic substances, monitoring the import and export of chemical substances and precursors, preparing and implementing educational media programs (newspaper, radio and television), printing educational pamphlets, preparing and producing educational films, preparing and implementing educational lectures and exhibitions.
The operations of controlling crimes and suspects are also represented in controlling smuggling, trafficking and promotion crimes, and the accused in them, raiding and seizing drug dens, controlling and dismantling smuggling networks, and carrying out controlled deliveries of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
Drug crimes are among those that are constantly evolving in type and method, and smugglers always innovate new methods and means for concealment, smuggling and camouflage operations. However, despite this, the Royal Oman Police, thanks to modern technical and technical equipment, qualification and specific training received by the men of the Royal Oman Police, was able, praise be to God, to discover Numerous attempts to smuggle and conceal narcotics and psychotropic substances were thwarted. These technical equipment are distributed in all land, air and sea ports.
His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tariq, may God preserve and preserve him, has appreciated the data received regarding the fight against narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
And he, may God protect him, affirmed that the national strategy for combating narcotics and psychotropic substances in the Sultanate of Oman for the years 2023-2028 has been approved, directing His Majesty the concerned authorities to take the necessary measures and deterrent measures to limit this phenomenon due to its negative effects (health, social, economic and security).