‘Jood’ digital platform receives OMR2.136 million donations

Oman Tuesday 02/July/2024 19:27 PM
By: Times News Service
‘Jood’ digital platform receives OMR2.136 million donations

Muscat: The total financial donations received by the ‘Jood’ digital platform for charitable donations since its activation in October 2023 until the end of June amounted to OMR2.136 million and the number of donors through the platform reached 115,533.

The platform aims to create a unified database to record the data of beneficiaries of charitable aid and assistance, accelerate the study of cases, and deliver aid to those who deserve it easily and smoothly.

The number of charitable associations, teams, and endowment institutions registered on the ‘Jood’ platform reached 30 associations, 63 teams, and 3 endowment institutions, and the total number of initiatives and programmes on the platform is about 597 initiatives and 181 programmes.

The platform for charitable donations, which brings together all charitable associations and volunteer teams in the Sultanate of Oman, is concerned with receiving donations and providing assistance to those who deserve it. It is one of the goals and indicators of the “Oman 2040” vision, within the priority of social welfare and protection.

The platform includes four types of donations: Donations according to the initiative, which refers to initiatives provided by charitable associations and teams with the aim of collecting donations from the public, such as general donations, orphan sponsorship, school meals, Eid clothing, ongoing charity, sacrifices, zakat, housing assistance, relief and disaster relief, etc., as well as donations according to the association or charitable team, donations to a specific case, in addition to in-kind donations.

It is worth noting that the ‘Jood’ charitable platform allows individuals and institutions to donate electronically through secure payment channels, as part of employing information and communications technology to serve charitable associations and teams. It also facilitates donors’ access to charitable associations and volunteer teams in the Sultanate of Oman through a unified platform without the need to visit each association or team separately.