
alizz islamic bank eBanking channels offer fast and safe services

Business Saturday 30/January/2016 18:43 PM
By: Times News Service
alizz islamic bank eBanking channels offer fast and safe services

Muscat: Reinforcing its position as the most innovative Islamic financial institution in Oman, the eBanking channels of alizz islamic bank have enhanced the customer experience with the ease of banking being just a click away.
The eBanking channels give customers the ability to avail their banking needs 24 hours a day in a fast, safe and secure environment from the comfort of their homes.
The bank operates with transparent procedures to ensure that all products and solutions are comprehensive, innovative and inspired by the principles of the Sharia to meet the needs of all customers whether individuals or businesses.
“The alizz Islamic bank eChannels such as the Interactive Teller Machine (ITM), smartphone applications and SMS alerts experience high demand because they offer customers a unique and convenient experience of banking, whether to pay their bills, transfer money with other alizz islamic bank accounts or accounts at other banks locally or internationally, paying off credit card fees and even the ability to deposit cheques,” Sadiq Al Lawati, head of eChannels said.
“An example of the convenience of the alizz Islamic bank eChannels is that when the customer pays their water, electricity or phone bills via alizz connect, the payment will be immediate without having to wait for the next day for the payment to be processed. With any transaction the customer receives an SMS message notifying them in real time. We are constantly working on updating all of our eChannels so that we can provide products that meet the needs and requirements of our customers in a fast paced and technologically advanced world,” he added.
“A strong digital presence is essential in the current business world and is aligned with the Sultanate’s vision for a sustainable economy that is fully digitalised which is reflected clearly in the rapid growth of e-business and e-government in Oman and as a result of that data is becoming the primary form of capital. The accumulation of data has become a key part of economic growth with technology raising the return on investment percentages for all industries. This explains the ability of developed countries to achieve high growth rates and maintain sustainability,” Al Lawati said.
Customers can visit https://www.alizzconnect.com/and sign up for a personal account through which they can do all transactions. They can also download the smartphone application of the bank.