Mumbai: Vidya Balan and Arjun Rampal-starrer "Kahaani 2: Durga Rani Singh" has been declared tax-free in Uttar Pradesh. Taking to Twitter, Vidya, 37, and the film's director Sujoy Ghosh shared the news with fans.
"Today the 3rd week for 'Kahaani 2' starts on a good note... It has been declared tax free in UP," Vidya tweeted. While, Ghosh wrote, "'Kahaani 2' becomes tax free in UP... So, in case you can... Do go and see..."
Jointly produced by Kushal Kantilal Gada, Dhaval Jayantilal Gada, Aksshay Jayantilal Gada and Ghosh, the film talks about the sensitive issue of child abuse.
Released on December 2, the film is a sequel to the 2012 suspense thriller "Kahaani", directed by Ghosh.