Oman gets highest votes in ARADO Council elections

Business Saturday 14/May/2016 13:31 PM
By: Times News Service
Oman gets highest votes in ARADO Council elections

Muscat: The Sultanate received the highest votes in the membership of the Executive Council of the Arab Administrative Development Organisation (ARADO) elections during a meeting of the 53rd regular session of the General Assembly of the ARADO, which was held on Thursday in Casablanca, Morocco.
Shaikh Khalid bin Omar al Marhoon, Minister of Civil Service, headed the Sultanate’s delegation in the presence of ministers and heads of civil service and administrative development in the Arab countries and Dr Nasser bin Ali Jubran al Qahtani, Director General of ARADO.
The meeting elected the new Executive Council of ARADO for the next two years (May 2016-May 2018). The Sultanate got the highest votes in the membership of the Council elections for the coming period, in recognition of the Arab countries for its active role and contribution to the development of the activities and programmes of the organisation and its participation in the implementation of a number of conferences, seminars and specialised programmes, in addition to its submission of many of the proposals that have contributed to the development of the organisation’s work.
The meeting reviewed and discussed the topics on its agenda, including follow-up report of the implementation of previous decisions and recommendations of the General Assembly, and to inform the meeting of the Executive Council decisions in previous sessions.
The meeting discussed the plan and estimated budget of the organisation for the years 2017 and 2018.