
Sunday 02/October/2016 20:16 PM

Oman dining: Baked goodies

Shouldn’t we all start eating a little more healthily? For that we do not need to go on a strict diet and choose healthier options like baking instead of...

Sunday 02/October/2016 20:03 PM

Eating out is just a click away in Muscat is an exclusive online restaurant service that was launched in Muscat last year. It is the brainchild of Farooq Al Sumar, who previously...

Sunday 02/October/2016 19:48 PM

One ingredient five ways: Mandarins

Mandarin beef Take 1 kilo beef and sauté with 1 chopped onion in a saucepan. Add 1 cup water, 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1 teaspoon grated ginger, 1 tablespoon...

Saturday 01/October/2016 20:12 PM

Oman parenting: Why children need their daddy?

We know that there are some fathers who think that raising the child is primarily the concern of the mother. After all she is the primary caregiver, isn’t...

Saturday 01/October/2016 19:39 PM

Best benefits of carrot juice

Whether you like the taste of carrot juice or not, you cannot refute the health benefits that drinking it provides you. Important things like healthy skin...