
Tuesday 07/February/2023 20:45 PM

Smart technology and Oman 2040 Vision

Shurooq Al-Balushi is working on a Smart Technology project as part of her contribution to Oman’s Vision 2040 to make use of information to understand how...

Tuesday 17/January/2023 20:30 PM

Organisational psychology and its development

Nowadays, the “Organisational Development” department or section is commonly seen in most organisations. What is the aim and practice of organisational...

Sunday 15/January/2023 19:10 PM

Monday Column: When your life is an open book

When you have no secrets and nothing to lie about everything ahead is straightforward and you do not have to look over your shoulders for possible attacks...

Sunday 08/January/2023 20:23 PM

Monday Column: Mother and child bond

I often look back at my childhood when I am faced with greatest challenges. I am not sure why but I guess I look for an escape route to my current problems....

Wednesday 04/January/2023 22:33 PM

Education, graduates and the ground reality

A quote by Nelson Mandela about education once said this: “Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the...