I was walking around and look at advertisements in the streets and wondered if they really work to attract customers to buy the products.I was not sure...
A truck drove past on the road and left behind a continuous stream of thick black smoke that hanged in the air for quite a long time.The people who were...
There are people who live with a lie all their lives. It is a terrible burden when you have to carry in your conscience a dark secret. In my opinion, nobody...
With scarcity of jobs in the country, many young Omanis are asking themselves why they went through four hard years of higher education to end up in a job...
We are concluding the last days of Ramadan but did we do the right thing in the past few weeks?As we are about to welcome the first day of Eid, we can look...
In the heart of the Arabian Peninsula lies a nation where the sands of time have witnessed a remarkable transformation. Oman, known for its majestic...
I was wondering what it was like to be a grain of sand on the desert as the wind was blowing dust on my face when I was taking a walk an hour before...